Arise Web design Weymouth – Design of the Favicon

The Favicon, short for Favorites Icon was first developed by Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer calls it’s bookmarked sites ‘Favorites’ and an icon for a site can be displayed in the favorites menu.

The Favicon is a small graphic, which is associated with a website. It is generally designed to correlate with the logo for the site, or another site branding feature.

If the website has a Favicon, it is displayed in the browser tab address bar when the site is opened. It is also shown if the site is bookmarked in the Browser.

I will produce you a customised Favicon to ensure that your site is easily recognised and memorable.

Here are examples of Favicons that I have produced. You can see my Favicon on the browser tab of this page.




The Favicon must be very simple and scalable to 16×16 pixels

Here are a couple that you might recognise:


